Shortcodes – Display Posts


Post Grid

The post grid can be as simple or as complicated as you like. All options passed in are optional. You can find a full list of available options below.

Here you can see the exact code snippet used to display the post grid to the left:

[post_grid categories="portfolio" columns="3" rows="3"]
[two_third last]
[post_grid categories=“portfolio“ columns=“3″ rows=“3″]

Optional arguments
 - categories: Categories to include, category slugs separated by commas (no spaces!), or blank for all categories
 - columns: Number of posts per row
 - rows: Number of rows
 - orderby: post_date, title, comment_count, rand
 - order: DESC, ASC
 - offset: Number of posts to offset off the start, defaults to 0
 - link: Show link after posts, true or false
 - link_text: Text for the link
 - link_url: URL where link should go
 - link_target: Where link opens - _self, _blank



Post List

The post list can be as simple or as complicated as you like. All options passed in are optional. You can find a full list of available options below.

Here you can see the exact code snippet used to display the post list to the left:

[post_list numberposts="3"]
[two_third last]
[post_list numberposts=“3″]

Optional arguments
 - categories: Categories to include, category slugs separated by commas (no spaces!), or blank for all categories
 - thumbs: Size of post thumbnails - default, small, full, hide
 - post_content: Show excerpts or full content - default, content, excerpt
 - numberposts: Total number of posts, -1 for all posts
 - orderby: post_date, title, comment_count, rand
 - order: DESC, ASC
 - offset: Number of posts to offset off the start, defaults to 0
 - link: Show link after posts, true or false
 - link_text: Text for the link
 - link_url: URL where link should go
 - link_target: Where link opens - _self, _blank

Note: When you see „default“ as an option, it’s referring to your default blog settings on your Theme Options page.


Mini Post List


The Mini Post List is designed to be used in smaller areas. Below you can see what was used to created the Mini Post List you see to the left.

[mini_post_list numberposts="3"]

Optional arguments
 - categories: Categories to include, category slugs separated by commas, or blank for all categories
 - numberposts: Total number of posts, -1 for all posts         
 - orderby: post_date, title, comment_count, rand
 - order: DESC, ASC
 - offset: Number of posts to offset off the start, defaults to 0
 - query: custom query string
 - thumb: thumbnail size - small, smaller, smallest, or hide
 - meta: how meta or not - show or hide

[one_third last]
[mini_post_list numberposts=“3″]


Mini Post Grid


The Mini Post Grid is designed to be used in smaller areas. Below you can see what was used to created the Mini Post Grid you see to the left.

[mini_post_grid numberposts="9" categories="portfolio"]

Optional arguments
 - categories: Categories to include, category slugs separated by commas, or blank for all categories
 - numberposts: Total number of posts, -1 for all posts         
 - orderby: post_date, title, comment_count, rand
 - order: DESC, ASC
 - offset: Number of posts to offset off the start, defaults to 0
 - query: custom query string
 - thumb: thumbnail size - small, smaller, or smallest
 - align: alignment of grid - left, right, or center
 - gallery: post ID to pull gallery attachments from, only used if not blank

[one_third last]
[mini_post_grid numberposts=“9″ categories=“portfolio“]
